Hand or Fingers
Hand or Finger pain can occur from normal, everyday usage that causes wear and tear, overuse or injury. Commonly, sports or work tasks, the use of tools or machinery, or accidental falls are to blame.
Symptoms and Possible Causes
Trigger thumb
Pain or tenderness in your palm at the base of your thumb, stiffness, clicking or popping when you move your thumb locked in a bent position unable to straighten.

Trigger finger
Pain or tenderness or a bump (nodule) in the palm at the base of the affected finger, popping or clicking sensation, catching or locking in a bent position which suddenly pops straight, locked in a bent position unable to straighten.
Sprained finger
Pain, swelling and bruising, difficult to move finger or grip anything.

Broken finger
Sudden, sharp pain, swelling, a popping or snapping sound during the injury.
Tips to relieve the pain
What you need to do ...
To Do …
- Take a few days off from activities or sports that aggravate your symptoms.
- Use an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) in a towel and place it on your wrist for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.
- If the pain is tense use a brace or bandage around your hand or thumb during your daily activities.
- Strap the painful finger to another finger next to it – put a small piece of cotton wool or gauze between the 2 fingers and use tape to loosely strap them together.
- Take off any jewellery if your hand or fingers looks swollen.
Not To Do …
- Avoid squeezing objects with your hand or fingers.
- Do not use heat packs or have hot baths for the first 2 to 3 days after an injury
- Do not sleep on the site with the painful wrist and hand below (better on top)
To Do …
- Wear a brace to support your hand and ease pain, especially during the work.
- Think about getting a soft pad to support your hand when typing.
- Take off any jewellery if your hand looks swollen and rest. Rest your wrist when you can.
- Strap the painful finger to another finger next to it – put a small piece of cotton wool or gauze between the 2 fingers and use tape to loosely strap them together.
- Use an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) in a towel and place it on your hand or fingers for up to 10 minutes when you finish from the work.
Not To Do …
- Use heat packs during or after the work.
- Lift heavy objects or grip anything too tightly.
To Do …
- Warm up and stretch -Keep your hand and fingers flexible and stretched before exercise.
- Strap the painful finger to another finger next to it – put a small piece of cotton wool or gauze between the 2 fingers and use tape to loosely strap them together
- Keeping your forearm and wrist in straight alignment puts your arm in the most stable position.
- Put an ice pack after your exercises in a towel on your wrist for 10 minutes
Not To Do…
- Suffer or continue to exercise with pain.
- Use hot packs after the exercises.
- Lift heavy objects or grip anything too tightly.
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