Foot and Toes

Foot and Toes

Foot pain may be caused by many different diseases, deformities, biomechanical conditions, improper footwear, or injuries.

Symptoms and Possible Causes

Plantar Fasciitis

Sharp heel pain at the inside of the heel (just behind the arch of the foot). Pain when flexing or after prolonged rest or activities. Heel tenderness. Foot tingling or burning. Limping.

Sprained Metatarsal

Pain and tenderness. This can be felt on the bottom, top, or sides of the foot. Bruising and swelling. Pain when walking or during activity. Not being able to put weight on your foot.

Broken Toe

Pain or tenderness. Swelling. Redness. Stiffness. Bruises or discoloration of the skin around the toe. The toe may appear abnormal, and may even look bent or deformed.

Tendonitis or Osteoarthritis

Tenderness when you touch the joint. Pain when you move it. Trouble moving, walking, or putting weight on it. Joint stiffness, warmth, or swelling. More pain and swelling after you rest, such as sitting or sleeping.

Heel Spur

Pain like a knife or pin sticking into the bottom of their feet when they first stand up in the morning — a pain that later turns into a dull ache. They often complain that the sharp pain returns after they stand up after sitting for a prolonged period of time.

Tips to relieve the pain

What you need to do ...
To Do …
  • Take a few days off from activities that aggravate your symptoms.
  • Use ice for 20 minutes around your foot or toes and repeat every 2-3 hours for the next 48-72 hours.
  • Elevate your foot by using pillow under the thigh until the ankle joint. 
  • buddy strap – put a small piece of cotton wool or gauze between your sore toe and the next toe and use tape to loosely strap it up.
  • Use crutches or stick to reduce the load on the sore foot or toes.
Not To Do …
  • Walk or stand for long periods.
  • Wear high heels or tight pointy shoes.
  • Use hot packs in your swellen foot or toes.
To Do …
  • Place your feet parallel to the ground. Use footrest under your feet.
  • Wear wide comfortable shoes with a low heel and soft sole
  • Upstairs use the good leg first to reduce the pressure in your ankle and the painful ankle when you go downstairs.
  • Rest and raise your foot when you can.
  • Use ice for 10-15 min. after the work and elevate your foot.
Not To Do …
  • Rest too much. Try to move your foot and toes- up- down every 30 min.
  • Walk or stand for long periods. Make small brakes and raise your foot.
  • Use hot packs in your swellen foot or toes.
To Do …
  • Warm up before exercising and stretch afterwards
  • Take regular breaks from repetitive exercises.
  • Gentle exercise low impact like swimming or cycling (not doing any exercise can make your symptoms worse)
  • Try to lose weight if you’re overweight.
  • Use good, firm shoes or use special insoles.
Not To Do…
  • Suffer or continue to exercise with pain.
  • Avoid sports or heavy lifting until you have less discomfort and good movement.
  • Use hot packs after the exercises. Use ice for 10-15 minutes.






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